Hot Tub Live Auction: Thurs 3/6 8a-Noon: Hot Tub from Ament Spas

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Saint Cloud Deals


$300.00 Certificate - Holy Divers Aquatic Weed Removal

Retail Value:
Your Price:
$90.00 (30%)

In Stock (only 1 left)


Holy Divers provide exceptional aquatic weed removal in Minnesota and Wisconsin. With industry leading commercial dive equipment, they are able to tackle any underwater problem by the root. To find out how they can solve your waterfront woes, reach out today and inquire about their many services, Call Dom at 612-293-6056 and ask how you can save even more by referring a lakefront neighbor or friend!


FOR NEW CLIENTS ONLY. ONE PER CUSTOMER PER JOB. No cash back. No credit given. Cannot be combined with any other discounts or coupons. ALL SALES FINAL. No refunds or exchanges.

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Holy Divers Aquatic Weed Removal

Holy Divers Aquatic Weed Removal

1216 Ferndale Street North
Maplewood, MN 55119
(612) 293-6056
View 1216 Ferndale Street North on a map