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Infrared Wrap Treatment - Rejuv Medical

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$38.00 (40%)

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Infrared wraps are the ideal way to boost your immunity, bolster your weight loss goals, and enjoy the amazing and numerous health benefits. Benefits include the reduction of inflammation, and total skin rejuvenation. By using infrared heat, you are able to get a passive cardiovascular workout, while relaxing in a 60-minute wrap that can burn up to 900-1200 calories (about 96 minutes of running) per session! Infrared benefits include: reduce stress & fatigue; removes wastes & toxins; aids weight loss; burns calories; reduces cellulite; boosts immunity; relieves pain & joint stiffness; improves skin tone; increases blood circulation; strengthens the cardiovascular system.

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Rejuv Medical

Rejuv Medical

901 3rd Street North
Waite Park, MN 56387
(320) 217-8490
View 901 3rd Street North on a map