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$10 Certificate (Waite Park) - Anejos FIne Mexican Cuisine Waite Park

Retail Value:
Your Price:
$3.00 (30%)

In Stock


In the Country of Mexico the use of the word AÑEJO is most often associated with the quality of tequila, meaning aged, or brought to perfection. We have named our Restaurant AÑEJOS to reflect, not only, on the fine taste of our margaritas, but also to reflect on the experience our staff brings to the preparation and presentation of your dining experience. The AÑEJOS staff has over 70 years of combined experience in preparing and serving fine Mexican cuisine!


No Cash Back. Valid at Waite Park location only. Limit ONE per party. Not valid with other specials or offers.

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Anejos FIne Mexican Cuisine   Waite Park

Anejos FIne Mexican Cuisine Waite Park

234 2nd Ave S.
Waite Park, MN 56387
(320) 774-1004
View 234 2nd Ave S. on a map